- The institution values its reputation for moral discipline and leadership as much as its reputation for academic excellence is concerned.
- The institutes code of ethics is simple i.e. to behave at all time with honour and integrity.
- All institute personnel are urged to be firm and fair taking disciplinary action to avoid illegal actions.
- It is imperative that the student strictly adhere to the day of opening of each term during the academic year.
- The students must be absolutely regular in attendance for theory and practical classes.
- The student must be present for all class-test and mid-term test.
- The students should participate in all term work such as journals, workshops, sports, cultural or any other assignment as per schedule.
- The authorized media of communication with the students is the college Notice board.
- Students should help in maintaining the building and campus of the institute clean and tidy.
- The students must wear the prescribed college uniform according to given schedule.